Treść głównego artykułu


The aim of the article is to analyse the gig economy in terms of the risk of precarisation. The considerations are based on literature review and own research (online survey of a group of 198 freelancers and 182 employees). The author of the article tries to get to know their perspective on financial stability and attitudes towards the risk of precarisation. The final conclusions allow us to assess the extent to which the respondents – freelancers – feel the stability and prospects of their work. For comparison, the same study was also conducted among full-time employees – enabling a comparison of the attitudes and feelings of both groups. The final conclusions provide guidance for managers and employees/gigs. Empirical research was preceded by theoretical considerations.

The limitations of the study result from the inherent weaknesses of survey research (respondents may provide subjective or inaccurate statements).

Słowa kluczowe

wip giger gig economy freelancer freelance workers precarisation

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Zelma, E. (2024). GIG ECONOMY – FLEXIBLE COOPERATION OR A FORM OF PRECARIZATION?. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 71(1).


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