Poles’ perception of Chinese professionals – a case study

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Yoon Huat Chong


The increased Chinese investments in Poland makes, that for the further economic cooperation development a substantial issue is the ability to communicate Chinese and Polish entrepreneurs. Hence, it is very important how they perceive each other, taking into account the cultural and historical differences. To answer this question, the author conducted a survey among executives of Chinese companies operating in Poland, and Polish firms co-operating with the Chinese. The article presents the results of research and its analysis.


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How to Cite
Huat Chong, Y. (2015). Poles’ perception of Chinese professionals – a case study. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 36(3), 85–95. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/KNoP/article/view/2134


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