Due diligence – key step in merger and acquisition processes

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Artur Podczaski


The aim of the article is to critically discuss the existing definitions of the due diligence process and to indicate the differences between them considering the current market practices. Based on available publications and the author’s practical experience, the methods used during these processes have been analysed. It is shown that the existing scope of application of due diligence processes should be extended to include outsourcing processes, becoming increasingly popular in the business operation, which also require a thorough analysis of the acquired business area (in the case of the so-called BPO – business process outsourcing). This publication is based on many years of experience gained by the author while working on the implementation of projects leading to mergers and acquisitions. The second part presents the author’s suggestions related to conducting due diligence projects, with particular emphasis on the organizational structure, risk analysis and report summarizing this study. The author is of the opinion that their implementation can improve the rate of successful mergers and acquisitions.


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How to Cite
Podczaski, A. (2020). Due diligence – key step in merger and acquisition processes. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 54(1), 69–80. https://doi.org/10.33119/KNoP.2020.54.1.6


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