Systemic tools for assessing the economic and financial situation of healthcare entities

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Zuzanna Świerc


The health care system is one of the most important areas of the state’s functioning, its main task is to organize citizens’ access to free guaranteed medical care. Medical activity is subject to specific regulations, which define the formal, technical and resource conditions of its conduct, and the financing of health care services is regulated – systemic institutions are responsible for their valuation and setting tariffs Ensuring the stability of the system requires monitoring its effectiveness. One of the elements of the system should be an objective and systematic assessment of the economic and financial condition of service providers, determining the continuity and availability of services. The aim of this article is to assess the tools used in the health care system to control the economic and financial situation of medical entities in the context of their usefulness. The measures of assessing the financial condition of these entities, specified in the applicable legal regulations, were analyzed in terms of various forms of medical activity and the terms of financing services. The obtained conclusions from the critical analysis should be used to verify system solutions in this area.


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How to Cite
Świerc, Z. . (2022). Systemic tools for assessing the economic and financial situation of healthcare entities. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 64(2), 73–85.


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