Financing start-ups in Poland in 2015–2022

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Natalia Mańkowska
Aleksandra Szymanowska


The purpose of this work was to identify the sources of financing start-ups in Poland in 2015–2022. These data were compared with the situation in terms of funding sources for start-ups in other EU and OECD countries. The method of document analysis and descriptive statistics were used as the research method. The study was based on publicly available data from reports and websites. The most important conclusions obtained from the study indicate that in the selected period, start-ups in Poland used various sources of capital. In the context of individual sources, the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on their use. Domestic sources of capital were used to a greater extent than their foreign counterparts. In Poland, start-ups are usually financed with own funds, which does not distinguish our country from other EU or OECD countries. In the case of the analyzed data, there is no data on FFF financing in Poland used by start-ups.


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Mańkowska, N., & Szymanowska, A. (2024). Financing start-ups in Poland in 2015–2022. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 72(2), 17–31. (Original work published June 28, 2024)


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