External conditions for the functioning of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Poland on the example of Grupa Azoty
State-owned enterprises (SOEs) still play an important role in the Polish economy. Despite the ongoing economic and political changes, their share in the Polish economy is significant. The aim of the article is to assess the impact of external conditions on the functioning of Polish state-owned enterprises on the example of the Azoty Group. To achieve the research goal, the following research questions were formulated: 1) What external conditions support maintaining state ownership?, 2) Taking into account the current external conditions, is it justified to continue maintaining state ownership in Poland?? To answer the research questions, a literature review was carried out based on the Scopus, Web of Science and BazEkon databases, and then, using the “desk reseach” method, book publications, scientific articles and reports of various research institutions containing the results of empirical research related to the topic were analyzed. To achieve the goal, an in-depth analysis of the changes that took place in Poland after 1989 was carried out in the context of political changes and the general privatization that accompanied them, and their current situation was presented. In particular, the focus was on the changes taking place in the chemical industry on the example of the state-owned enterprise Grupa Azoty. Using the induction method, key challenges and opportunities facing SOE were identified and directions for further development were indicated in the context of global economic trends and the unique challenges posed by the Polish market. Using the case study method of the state-owned enterprise Grupa Azoty, the role played by SOEs in creating economic growth, innovation and sustainable development of the country was demonstrated. The summary indicates the existence of many arguments in favor of maintaining state ownership in the Polish economy, pointing to the role played by a mixed economic model, which allows state-owned enterprises to operate and compete with private companies to the benefit of both the economy and the consumer.
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