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The paper presents original study and its findings concerning the possibility of using personality questionnaires as tools of social competence assessment. According to the findings, there are numerous and strong correlations between some personality traits and social competence. Empirical findings point out that measuring some clusters of personality traits can be very helpful in the process of social competence assessment, and adds incremental validity over measuring individual personality traits and its correlations with social competence. It is suggested that personality questionnaires should be best applied at pre-selection stage of professional selection procedure. They can be helpful to select candidates, who have interpersonal predispositions necessary for posts demanding good interpersonal skills.

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Jak cytować
Smółka, P. (2011). Personality Questionnaires as Helpful Tools of Social Competence Assessment. Implications for Pre-selection of Candidates for Positions Demanding Good Interpersonal Skills. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 21(3), 105–126.


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