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Job satisfaction is becoming a subject of growing interest in organizations. It is justified that job satisfaction has an impact on business performance. Committed staff can be a determining factor in the success of an organization. It is very important to recognize the determinants of job satisfaction. The purpose of the paper is to review the literature concerning about the determinants of job satisfaction. Based on the study of the literature, the author made her own model of determinants of job satisfaction. The final conclusions are related to the empirical study based on job satisfaction survey conducted in the X firm. There is detailed information and analysis on the structure of the factors affecting job satisfaction in this company. The findings obtained from the survey could support theoretical views described in the paper: the determinants which are in the presented model are also present in tested organizations.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Borowska-Pietrzak , A. . (2013). Determinants of Job Satisfaction – Empirical Study. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 27(1), 149–164.


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