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The aim of the research was to verify the intermediary role of affective organizational commitment between organizational justice and the intention to leave an organization. In addition, it was decided to check whether taking care of the positive image of an organization mediates partly between organizational justice and affective organizational commitment. The study group comprised 802 employees. The following research tools were used: Organizational Justice Scale, Organizational Loyalty Scale, Organization Attachment Scale and Turnover Intention Scale. Affective organizational commitment fully mediated between procedural and interpersonal justice and the intention to leave, and partly between distributive justice and the desire to leave. Upholding a positive image of an organization partly mediated between all the three types of organizational justice and employees affective organizational commitment.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Wnuk, M. (2019). Organizational justice versus employees’ attitude towards an organization. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 54(4), 81–94. Pobrano z


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