Business ethics and social responsibility in the transition economies

Ignacy Chrzanowski (1)
(1) Uniwersytet w Sherbrooke (Kanada), Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Uniwersytet Montrealski , Polska


The issue of business ethics and corporate social responsibility continues to be widely discussed in the world literature, and is still actual because of the emerging scandals related to the large corporation’s activities. According to the author, in the Central and Eastern Europe post-communist countries one finds examples of almost all aspects of unethical behavior and practices, and which still require from the business, state administration at different levels, and society appropriate actions. The article includes a retrospective analysis of this phenomenon.

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Ignacy Chrzanowski
Chrzanowski, I. . (2014). Business ethics and social responsibility in the transition economies. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 32(3), 27–37. Pobrano z

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