The Anti-Cyclical Role of the PKO BP in Poland during the Global Crisis

Marcin Piątkowski (1)
(1) Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie, Polska


Polish banks survived the global financial crisis better than banks in many other countries of Western and Central Europe. Bank PKO BP received the A2 rating from Moody, owing to demonstration not only its stability, but also very good results. The author lists and analyzes the factors that have contributed to the maintenance of this bank liquidity and financial stability. Emphasizes the stabilizing role played by PKO BP, due to its size, in the entire banking and financial system during the crisis.


1. Financial Results of PKO Bank Polski SA Group 3Q 2011, PKO BP, Warsaw, November 3, 2011.
2. Plan prywatyzacji na lata 2008-2011, Ministerstwo Skarbu Państwa, Warszawa, 22 kwiecień 2008.
3. Poland – Third Employment, Entrepreneurship and Human Capital Development Policy Loan Program, The World Bank, 2010, May.
4. Polska wobec światowego kryzysu gospodarczego, NBP, Warszawa, wrzesień 2009.
5. Raport o sytuacji banków w okresie I-IX 2011, KNF, Warszawa, styczeń 2012.
6. Turmoil at Twenty – Recession, Recovery, and Reform in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, The World Bank, 2009.


Marcin Piątkowski
Piątkowski, M. . (2012). The Anti-Cyclical Role of the PKO BP in Poland during the Global Crisis. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 25(4), 69–76. Pobrano z

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