Intellectual capital as a value in an enterprise
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A basis for this theme are conditions connected with the enterprises’ activity, with a focus on the issues associated with a generation of the value, as they predominantly constitute the market success of the business entities. Considering the environment and the market conditions, as well as for implementing the necessary and desired market strategy by the enterprises, it is essential paying particular attention to a calculable aspect of intellectual property involving the entities’ exclusive rights (including patents), as well as to an issue of a human capital engaged in creating, development and performing of this intellectual property and a significance of the human resources as such for the particular entities as to the owned market expertise. An objective of this study was precising of the role and an estimation of the relative importance of intellectual property and intellectual capital for the functioning and effectiveness of the enterprises. As a test method it was used an analysis of the respective literature, following which summarising and synthesis of the provided issues were done and the conclusions drawn. Made for the purposes of this development activities allowed to notice a great importance of the defined and legally regulated intellectual property concerning the particular, appropriately written solutions, while simultaneously demonstrating a prominent role of human resources.
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