The role of leasing in promoting electric cars
Main Article Content
The popularity of leasing in Poland translates into the growth of all segments of this market. However, the dynamics of individual segments and their structure differ. The share of the light vehicle segment is growing particularly fast and it is the automotive market that is of the greatest importance here. Environmental investment projects are playing an increasingly important role and that is why leasing companies offer financing to companies, especially from the small and medium-sized enterprise sector, in the field of energysaving equipment and materials. These projects have a positive impact on the Polish economy and increase the competitiveness of enterprises, as well as reduce carbon dioxide in our country. The study formulates the following hypothesis: that leasing has a significant impact on the increase in the use of electric cars and is the most popular form of using these vehicles. After conducting the analysis, it was found that the thesis was confirmed. Leasing currently occupies an unquestionable, high position in Poland in financing the activities of enterprises.
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