Women on the supervisory boards of companies with State Treasury shareholding. The case of Poland

Adam Samborski (1)
(1) University of Economics in Katowice, Poland


The subject of the study is the presence of women on the supervisory boards of companies with a State Treasury shareholding (Poland). The research shows that the proportion of women on the supervisory boards of these companies is low and significantly differs from the proportion of men on the surveyed companies’ bodies. The research problem posed in the study concerns the determinants of women’s participation in supervisory boards. Three hypotheses were formulated during the research process. In the first, it was assumed that the share of women on company supervisory boards differs depending on the gender of the person chairing the board. In the second, it was concluded that the share of women on company supervisory boards varies according to the location of the company’s headquarters. In the third hypothesis, it was assumed that the share of women on company supervisory boards varies according to the state’s share in the company. Only in the case of hypothesis one are the differences identified statistically significant. Thus, the research shows that a significant factor that increases the gender diversity of supervisory boards in companies with state shareholding is the person of the chairperson of the board (woman).

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Adam Samborski
Samborski, A. (2024). Women on the supervisory boards of companies with State Treasury shareholding. The case of Poland. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 72(2), 33–43. https://doi.org/10.33119/KNoP.2024.72.2.3

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