Motivation in the Gig Economy: The Incentive Effect of Digital Platforms. A Literature Review

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Małgorzata Skrzek-Lubasińska
Jolanta M. Szban


Purpose – to compile a list of external incentives that motivate gig workers, and identify incentives suitable for gig work.
Methods – an empirical literature review investigating external incentives and their effect on gig worker motivation on digital platforms.
Findings – despite the diversity among gig workers, well-known and recognised motivation concepts, and incentives remain applicable today.
Digital platforms, designed to function as intermediaries between giggers and end-users, have assumed a significant part of the HRM role and transformed the paradigm of incentive in gig work. The application of external incentives in gig work depends on the digital platform’s design, rules of operation, and functioning.
Originality – this study provides a list of external incentives motivating gig workers, based on an in-depth investigation of the applicability of both traditional and contemporary ideas and methods of motivation in the gig economy.
Research limitations – the study focuses on external incentives and is limited to online gig work.
Implications – the results indicate significant shifts in social and workplace relationships, suggesting that management in the gig economy, and more broadly, in the labour and education sectors, needs reforms.


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Skrzek-Lubasińska, M., & Szban, J. M. (2024). Motivation in the Gig Economy: The Incentive Effect of Digital Platforms. A Literature Review. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 72(2), 95–116. (Original work published June 28, 2024)


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