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The article presents the results of the author’s own empirical studies, conducted within her scientific paradigm, allowing for comparing real results of the social competences (SC) level of Polish workers from enterprises (n=208) with the subjective assessment of their competences level estimated by their superiors. The psychological SC Questionnaire was used to measure the SC. The satisfaction of a worker from the already received assessment of their potential made by the direct superior was measured by means of Questionnaire – QFOI and the quality method – IDIs. The analyses show that there are differences between a profile of employees’ SC and a prolife evaluated by their superiors. In most cases superiors estimated the level of employees’ SC significantly lower. The subjects claim that they experience the feeling of injustice while assessing their professional competence in their workplace.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Mazurek-Kucharska, B. (2011). Social Competences of Employees. Feeling of Injustice of Professional Competence Assessment in Opinions of Company Workers. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 22(4), 93–109.


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