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The interest in the concept of sustainable development is a form of a scientific response to the challenges of transforming economies, growing expectations of local communities and societies and environmental degradation. Despite numerous definitions of sustainable development, the literature lacks a widely recognised definition of an entity that operates in a sustainable way – a sustainable enterprise. The literature review identified two definition gaps: 1) the lack of defined boundaries within which a company must operate in order to be called sustainable, and 2) the lack of a definition of the relationship between the areas in which sustainability is assessed. The authors of the article propose a new definition of a sustainable enterprise. Moreover, they give examples of organisations that, although in a selected area they carry out sustainable activities, they cannot be called sustainable.

Słowa kluczowe

stakeholder theory sustainable organisation sustainable enterprise sustainable development stakeholder theory sustainable organisation sustainable enterprise sustainable development

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Brach, B., Gul, M., & Kawecki, G. (2020). New Definition of Sustainable Enterprise. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 57(3).


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