The Lombard Protocol as a sustainable development concept

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Jacek Lipiec


The objective of the article is to describe the case of a novel and innovative concept of the Lombard protocol for sustainable development. This concept was developed as a form of partnership between public and private institutions to achieve the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda. Lombardy is a leading European region, ranked as the second in terms of GDP. The region intends to be a leader in achieving sustainable development goals, therefore the President of Lombardy created a novel solution – the Lombard Protocol, the document which was signed by 54 entities. The formula of this document is open and can be accessed by other entities that will gain the approval of the President of Lombardy. The Lombard Protocol is an example of a solution to set up a partnership in the region to implement the principles of sustainable development. In Lombardy, it is planned to go beyond this partnership by involving even citizens.


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Lipiec, J. (2019). The Lombard Protocol as a sustainable development concept. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 53(4), 41–49.


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