The impact of CSR on customer satisfaction and loyalty in the hotel industry

Maria Johann (1), Ahmed Bostani (2)
(1) SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland,
(2) SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland


The significance of socially responsible activities in tourism has been growing over the years due to their impact on the natural environment, the development of local communities and the performance of enterprises. Research on the impact of CSR on consumer behavior and attitudes is an important area of scientific inquiry. The subject of the article focuses on the relationships between CSR activities of hotel enterprises and consumer attitudes. The aim of the study is to present the results of a pilot study on the above-mentioned relationships and to evaluate the selected research method and research tool. It was assumed that hotels’ socially responsible activities have a positive impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The paper presents research topics related to CSR in the hotel industry and the results of a pilot study conducted on a sample of 40 respondents who spent their holidays in hotels that have implemented socially responsible activities in Poland in 2023. The preliminary results of the pilot study indicate the relationships between CSR and satisfaction and customer loyalty, and they do not indicate any irregularities in the developed research methodology and the prepared survey questionnaire.

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Maria Johann
Ahmed Bostani
Johann, M., & Bostani, A. (2024). The impact of CSR on customer satisfaction and loyalty in the hotel industry. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 71(1), 123–134.

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