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The paper deals with the European cooperation in outer space, which in the course of half a century has led to the creation of the European space policy, another European public policy. At the beginning of the paper, the definition framework for public policy was outlined and the European space policy was briefly presented. The analysis begins with an indication of the reasons for establishing cooperation for space, then it covers the history of European space efforts as well as the attempts to institutionalize that cooperation. In the further part of the paper, the process of working out the European space policy and the most recently announced European space programme are analysed. Finally, the conclusions resulting from the analysis give the answer to the questions raised in the paper about the ability to effectively design and execute the space policy, the results of implementation of particular space policy programmes, allocation of resources for the benefit of society, the position of the EU in international relations.


polityka publiczna polityka kosmiczna integracja europejska public policy space policy European integration

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How to Cite
Kwiecień, J. . (2019) “The European space policy as a European public policy”, Public Policy Studies, 6(1(21), pp. 53–73. doi: 10.33119/KSzPP.2019.1.3.



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