Treść głównego artykułu


Both the smart city and U-city concepts were created as a response to the challenges related to the increasing level of urbanization and the further development of the latest technologies. These so-called smart cities are designed to use information and communication
technologies (ICTs) to improve operational efficiency, make information available to the public, provide better government services and increase the overall level of well-being of citizens. In this article the author will analyze the development of the “smart city” concept,
and then present her conclusions and observations based on the example of the South Korean city of Songdo, which is currently one of the most progressive business centers of the ubiquitous city type. Subsequently she will answer two main research questions: 1.
What distinguishes a ubiquitous city from a standard smart city project? 2. What are the obstacles, challenges, and incentives for further development in the implementation of the above concept in South Korea? Two main research methods will be used in the article – a comparative method, helpful in identifying visible links between similar phenomena and entities, and a content analysis method, based on a literature review on the topics covered in the work, including issues related to the city of Songdo.

Słowa kluczowe

ubiquitous city smart city Songdo South Korea globalization urbanization ubiquitous city smart city South Korea Songdo globalization urbanization

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Potera, N. (2024) „The importance of urbanization in the process of shaping the “ubiquitous city” on the example of Songdo International Business District, South Korea”, Studia z Polityki Publicznej, 10(3(39), s. 9–24. doi: 10.33119/KSzPP/2023.3.1.



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