Treść głównego artykułu
Celem artykułu jest syntetyczna prezentacja teorii finansów gospodarstw domowych w obszarze ekonomii, socjologii oraz psychologii. Przegląd teorii, niezależnie od dziedziny nauki, pokazuje na postępujący wzrost złożoności oraz indywidualizacji finansów gospodarstw domowych. Jednocześnie rozszerzeniu uległ zakres badań (o aspekty socjologiczne i psychologiczne decyzji podejmowanych przez i w ramach gospodarstwa domowego), co przyczynia się znacząco do lepszego odwzorowania rzeczywistości w teoriach ekonomicznych. Rozwój koncepcji dotyczących funkcjonowania gospodarstw domowych wskazuje wyraźnie na rosnące znaczenie ich finansów. Nie oznacza to bynajmniej zmniejszenia roli polityki publicznej w zakresie zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa ekonomicznego gospodarstw domowych. Wręcz przeciwnie, rosnąca finansjalizacja budżetów gospodarstw domowych stawia przed polityką publiczną nowe wyzwania. Stan budżetów gospodarstw domowych coraz silniej oddziałuje na ogólną sytuację gospodarczą, a dla osiągnięcia założonego poziomu skuteczności wymagana jest większa precyzja w konstrukcji rozwiązań publicznych.
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Więcej informacji: Polityka Open Access czasopisma "Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies"
- Akerlof A., Kranton R.E., Economics and identity, “The Quarterly Journal of Economics” 2000, vol. CXV, no. 3.
- Altonji J.G., Villanueva E., The Marginal Propensity to Spend on Adult Children, “The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy” 2007, vol. 7, no. 1.
- Ando A., Modigliani F., The “Life Cycle” Hypothesis of Saving: Aggregate Implications and Tests, “American Economic Review” 1963, vol. 53, no. 1.
- Ashby K.J., Burgoyne C.B., Separate financial entities? Beyond categories of money management, “The Journal of Socio-Economics” 2008, vol. 37.
- Balassa B., Noland M., Japan in the World Economy, Institute for International Economics, Washington 1988.
- Baxter J., Gray E., For Richer and Poorer: Women, Men and Marriage, Negotiating the Life Course Discussion paper Series, Discussion paper DP-012, Centre for Social Research, Australian National University, April 2003.
- Browning M., Collado D., The Response of Expenditures to Anticipated Income Changes: Panel Data Estimates, “American Economic Review” 2001, vol. 91, no. 3.
- Browning M., Crossley T.F., The Life-Cycle Model of Consumption and Savings, “Journal of Economic Perspectives” 2001, vol. 15, no. 3.
- Browning M., Ejrnaes M., Consumption and Children, Mimeo, University of Copenhagen, 2000.
- Browning M., Lusardi A., Household saving: micro facts and micro theories, “Journal of Economic Literature” 1996, vol. 34, no. 4.
- Burgoyne C.B., Clarke V., Reibstein J., Edmunds A.E., All my worldly goods I share with you? Managing money at the transition to heterosexual marriage, “The Sociological Review” 2006, vol. 54.
- Chiappori P.A., Haddad L., Hoddinott J., Kanbur R., Unitary versus collective models of the household: time to shift the burden of proof?, Policy Research Working Paper 1217, vol. 1,
- The World Bank, Ghana Resident Mission, November 1993.
- Bywalec Cz., Ekonomia i finanse gospodarstw domowych, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2012.
- Campbell J.Y., Mankiw G., Consumption, Income and Interest Rates: Reinterpreting the Time-Series Evidence, “NBER Macroeconomic Annual” 1989.
- Cynamon B.Z., Fazzari S.M., Household Debt in the Consumer Age: Source of Growth – Risk of J. Duesenberry, Income, Saving and the Theory of Consumption Behavior, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1949.
- Duesenberry J., Income, Saving and the Theory of Consumption Behavior, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1949.
- Dynan K., Skinner J., Zeldes S.P., Do the rich save more, “Journal of Political Economy” 2004, vol. 112, no. 2.
- Ellis F., Peasant Economics, Farm Household and Agrarian Development, Cambridge University Press, Newcastle 1988.
- Friedman M., A Theory of the Consumption Function, Princeton University Press, New Jersey 1957.
- Fisher I., The rate of interest. Its nature, determination and relations to economic phenomena, The MacMillian Company, New York 1907.
- Fuhrer J.C., Habit Formation in Consumption and Its Implications for Monetary-Policy Models, “American Economic Review” 2000, vol. 90, no. 3.
- Goldsmith R.W., A study on saving in the United States, Princeton University Press, New Jersey 1955.
- Hall R., Stochastic Implication of the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence, “Journal of Political Economy” 1978, vol. 86, no. 6.
- Hatsopoulos G.N., Krugman P.R., Poterba J.M., Overconsumption: The Challenge to U.S. Economic Policy, American Business Conference, 1989.
- Hsieh C., Do Consumers React to Anticipated Income Shocks? Evidence from the Alaska Permanent Fund, Mimeo, Princeton 2000.
- Jessie J.B., The Future of Marriage, Yale University Press, New Haven 1972.
- Kawiński M., Ubezpieczenie społeczne a finanse osobiste, Doubezpieczenie społeczne – idea i kontynuacja, red. M. Kawiński, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2015.
- Kennickell A.B., Ponds and Streams: Wealth and Income in the U.S., 1989 to 2007, Federal Reserve Board Working Paper 2009.
- Keynes J.M., The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Harcourt, Brace Company, New York 1937.
- Kuznets S., Uses of National Income in Peace and War, NBER, March 1942.
- Landsberger M., Windfall Income and Consumption: Comment, “American Economic Review” 1966, vol. 56.
- Lucas R.E., Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique, “Carnegie-Rochester Series on Public Policy” 1976, vol. 1, red. K. Brunner, A.H. Meltzer, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
- Modigliani F., Ando A., The Life Cycle Hypothesis of Saving: Aggregate Implications and Tests, “American Economic Review” 1963, vol. 53.
- Modigliani F., Brumberg R., Utility Analysis and the Consumption Function: An interpretation of Cross-Section Data, w: Post-Keynesian Economics, red. K. Kurihara, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick 1954.
- Osiński J., Wstęp, w: Polityka publiczna we współczesnym państwie, red. J. Osiński, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2014.
- Pahl J., His money, her money: recent research on financial organisation in marriage, “Journal of Economic Psychology” 1995, vol. 16.
- Pahl J., Individualisation in couple finances: who pays for the children?, “Social Policy and Society” 2005, vol. 4.
- Palley I.T., Economic contradictions coming home to roost? Does the U.S. economy face a long-term aggregate demand generation problem?, “Journal of Post Keynesian Economics” 2002, vol. 25, no. 1.
- Palley T.I., Relative Income and Consumption: A Synthesis of Keynes, Duesenberry, Friedman, and Modigliani and Brumbergh, July 2005.
- Parker J., The Reaction of Household Consumption to Predictable Changes in Payroll Tax Rates, “American Economic Review” 1999, vol. 89, no. 4.
- Parker J.A., Spendthrift in America? On Two decades of Decline in the U.S. Savings Rate, NBER Macroeconomic Annual 2000, red. B.S. Bernake, J.J. Rotemberg.
- Ramsey F.P., A Mathematical Theory of Saving, “The Economic Journal” 1928, vol. 38, no. 152.
- Sonnenberg S.J., Household financial organisation and discursive practice: managing money and identity, “Journal of Socio-Economics” 2008, vol. 37.
- Thaler R.H., Anomalies: Saving, Fungibility, and Mental Accounts, “The Journal of Economic Perspectives” 1990, vol. 4, no. 1.
- Thurow L., The optimum lifetime distribution of consumption expenditures, “American Economic Review” 1969, no. 59.
- White B.B., Empirical Tests of the Life Cycle Hypothesis, “American Economic Review” 1978, vol. 68, no. 4.
- Wilcox D.W., Social Security Benefits, Consumption Expenditure, and the Life Cycle Hypothesis, “Journal of Political Economy” 1989, vol. 97, no. 2.
Akerlof A., Kranton R.E., Economics and identity, “The Quarterly Journal of Economics” 2000, vol. CXV, no. 3.
Altonji J.G., Villanueva E., The Marginal Propensity to Spend on Adult Children, “The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy” 2007, vol. 7, no. 1.
Ando A., Modigliani F., The “Life Cycle” Hypothesis of Saving: Aggregate Implications and Tests, “American Economic Review” 1963, vol. 53, no. 1.
Ashby K.J., Burgoyne C.B., Separate financial entities? Beyond categories of money management, “The Journal of Socio-Economics” 2008, vol. 37.
Balassa B., Noland M., Japan in the World Economy, Institute for International Economics, Washington 1988.
Baxter J., Gray E., For Richer and Poorer: Women, Men and Marriage, Negotiating the Life Course Discussion paper Series, Discussion paper DP-012, Centre for Social Research, Australian National University, April 2003.
Browning M., Collado D., The Response of Expenditures to Anticipated Income Changes: Panel Data Estimates, “American Economic Review” 2001, vol. 91, no. 3.
Browning M., Crossley T.F., The Life-Cycle Model of Consumption and Savings, “Journal of Economic Perspectives” 2001, vol. 15, no. 3.
Browning M., Ejrnaes M., Consumption and Children, Mimeo, University of Copenhagen, 2000.
Browning M., Lusardi A., Household saving: micro facts and micro theories, “Journal of Economic Literature” 1996, vol. 34, no. 4.
Burgoyne C.B., Clarke V., Reibstein J., Edmunds A.E., All my worldly goods I share with you? Managing money at the transition to heterosexual marriage, “The Sociological Review” 2006, vol. 54.
Chiappori P.A., Haddad L., Hoddinott J., Kanbur R., Unitary versus collective models of the household: time to shift the burden of proof?, Policy Research Working Paper 1217, vol. 1,
The World Bank, Ghana Resident Mission, November 1993.
Bywalec Cz., Ekonomia i finanse gospodarstw domowych, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2012.
Campbell J.Y., Mankiw G., Consumption, Income and Interest Rates: Reinterpreting the Time-Series Evidence, “NBER Macroeconomic Annual” 1989.
Cynamon B.Z., Fazzari S.M., Household Debt in the Consumer Age: Source of Growth – Risk of J. Duesenberry, Income, Saving and the Theory of Consumption Behavior, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1949.
Duesenberry J., Income, Saving and the Theory of Consumption Behavior, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1949.
Dynan K., Skinner J., Zeldes S.P., Do the rich save more, “Journal of Political Economy” 2004, vol. 112, no. 2.
Ellis F., Peasant Economics, Farm Household and Agrarian Development, Cambridge University Press, Newcastle 1988.
Friedman M., A Theory of the Consumption Function, Princeton University Press, New Jersey 1957.
Fisher I., The rate of interest. Its nature, determination and relations to economic phenomena, The MacMillian Company, New York 1907.
Fuhrer J.C., Habit Formation in Consumption and Its Implications for Monetary-Policy Models, “American Economic Review” 2000, vol. 90, no. 3.
Goldsmith R.W., A study on saving in the United States, Princeton University Press, New Jersey 1955.
Hall R., Stochastic Implication of the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence, “Journal of Political Economy” 1978, vol. 86, no. 6.
Hatsopoulos G.N., Krugman P.R., Poterba J.M., Overconsumption: The Challenge to U.S. Economic Policy, American Business Conference, 1989.
Hsieh C., Do Consumers React to Anticipated Income Shocks? Evidence from the Alaska Permanent Fund, Mimeo, Princeton 2000.
Jessie J.B., The Future of Marriage, Yale University Press, New Haven 1972.
Kawiński M., Ubezpieczenie społeczne a finanse osobiste, Doubezpieczenie społeczne – idea i kontynuacja, red. M. Kawiński, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2015.
Kennickell A.B., Ponds and Streams: Wealth and Income in the U.S., 1989 to 2007, Federal Reserve Board Working Paper 2009.
Keynes J.M., The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Harcourt, Brace Company, New York 1937.
Kuznets S., Uses of National Income in Peace and War, NBER, March 1942.
Landsberger M., Windfall Income and Consumption: Comment, “American Economic Review” 1966, vol. 56.
Lucas R.E., Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique, “Carnegie-Rochester Series on Public Policy” 1976, vol. 1, red. K. Brunner, A.H. Meltzer, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Modigliani F., Ando A., The Life Cycle Hypothesis of Saving: Aggregate Implications and Tests, “American Economic Review” 1963, vol. 53.
Modigliani F., Brumberg R., Utility Analysis and the Consumption Function: An interpretation of Cross-Section Data, w: Post-Keynesian Economics, red. K. Kurihara, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick 1954.
Osiński J., Wstęp, w: Polityka publiczna we współczesnym państwie, red. J. Osiński, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2014.
Pahl J., His money, her money: recent research on financial organisation in marriage, “Journal of Economic Psychology” 1995, vol. 16.
Pahl J., Individualisation in couple finances: who pays for the children?, “Social Policy and Society” 2005, vol. 4.
Palley I.T., Economic contradictions coming home to roost? Does the U.S. economy face a long-term aggregate demand generation problem?, “Journal of Post Keynesian Economics” 2002, vol. 25, no. 1.
Palley T.I., Relative Income and Consumption: A Synthesis of Keynes, Duesenberry, Friedman, and Modigliani and Brumbergh, July 2005.
Parker J., The Reaction of Household Consumption to Predictable Changes in Payroll Tax Rates, “American Economic Review” 1999, vol. 89, no. 4.
Parker J.A., Spendthrift in America? On Two decades of Decline in the U.S. Savings Rate, NBER Macroeconomic Annual 2000, red. B.S. Bernake, J.J. Rotemberg.
Ramsey F.P., A Mathematical Theory of Saving, “The Economic Journal” 1928, vol. 38, no. 152.
Sonnenberg S.J., Household financial organisation and discursive practice: managing money and identity, “Journal of Socio-Economics” 2008, vol. 37.
Thaler R.H., Anomalies: Saving, Fungibility, and Mental Accounts, “The Journal of Economic Perspectives” 1990, vol. 4, no. 1.
Thurow L., The optimum lifetime distribution of consumption expenditures, “American Economic Review” 1969, no. 59.
White B.B., Empirical Tests of the Life Cycle Hypothesis, “American Economic Review” 1978, vol. 68, no. 4.
Wilcox D.W., Social Security Benefits, Consumption Expenditure, and the Life Cycle Hypothesis, “Journal of Political Economy” 1989, vol. 97, no. 2.