Treść głównego artykułu


The article discusses peculiarities of human resource management in the context of contemporary challenges, investigates relations between the elements of the internal environment and challenges for human resource management. The author of the article believes that scientific publications on human resource management still do not pay enough attention to certain elements of management process, i.e. proper systematization of organizational goals, perception of organizational management structures in the new environment, etc. Management practice of staff selection is characterized by the tendency of the organization to dominate, meanwhile the expectations of the candidate are very often sacrificed, and little interest is shown in the development of the sense of loyalty in new employees. The author acknowledges that due to ever-increasing competition organizations cannot ignore the changes that are happening, and on the basis of his researches he identifies the obstacles which hinder many Lithuanian organizations from participating in the contemporary process of changes. The article provides the author’s suggestions for the improvement of human resources management in the environment of Lithuanian organizations.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Gražulis, V. . (2013). Contemporary Challenges for Human Resource Management (Lithuanian Case). Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 27(1), 101–113.


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