Treść głównego artykułu


The aim of this article is to explore how SHRM (Sustainable Human Resource Management) practices and personal risk management are interpreted by managers across different organisational contexts, and to identify challenges and barriers to implementing these practices. The study focuses on a variety of SHRM approaches in diverse organisational contexts, highlighting the impact of company size, managerial experience, and organisational culture. It also explores the challenges associated with both long-term and short-term SHRM goals and underscores the need for a better understanding and communication of these practices within organisations. The study is based on a qualitative individual in-depth interview (IDI) methodology. The results of the study highlight the importance of adapting and understanding the unique aspects of each organisation to effectively implement SHRM. The article contributes to the literature by highlighting the need for further research into holistic SHRM models, the management personal risk, the use of new technologies, and the development of advanced measurement methods.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Sitarska-Piwko, A., & Rogozińska-Pawełczyk, A. (2024). Perceptions of sustainable human resource management (SHRM) and personal risk: Findings from the Pilot Study . Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 69(3).


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