The value-based paradigm and economization of company strategy and business models

Adam Jabłoński (1)
(1) Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej , Polska


The business processes’ constantly increasing dynamic occurred in companies forces them not only to create their new business models and strategies, but first of all to achieve appropriate profits. The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of business models strategy and economization, using the value-based paradigm. The author argues that currently designed business models and strategies should generate defined measurable financial results, at every stage of their implementation suitable to program them. Therefore, the application of such business models and strategies enables for an enterprise’s value increasing at its business development every stage.


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Adam Jabłoński
Jabłoński, A. . (2020). The value-based paradigm and economization of company strategy and business models. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 33(4), 37–45. Pobrano z

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