Special purpose vehicle in the process of commercialisation of the results of scientific research conducted at universities

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Anna Marszałek


In the knowledge-based economy, there is a very strong interpenetration between economy and science, while technology is becoming the basic production factor. The transfer of knowledge and related technology is not a one-way process. More and more often, academic centres are becoming convinced that building relations with the world of business is necessary for them. The article attempts to characterize the special purpose vehicle with particular emphasis on its role in the process of commercialisation of the scientific research results. Its final stage is the establishment of a spin-off enterprise, especially in the field of new technologies. The stages of the creation of such projects are presented, as well as possible models of their functioning. The article also stresses the characteristics of their relations with universities or research institutions. The last part of the considerations is devoted to an instruments presenting market entry strategies with a new venture.


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How to Cite
Marszałek, A. (2020). Special purpose vehicle in the process of commercialisation of the results of scientific research conducted at universities. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 54(1), 57–68. https://doi.org/10.33119/KNoP.2020.54.1.5


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