Women on corporate boards: diversity vs. patriarchal order

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Ewa Lisowska


Over the last hundred years, there have been accomplished visible and beneficial to women changes related to equalization of their chances in the labour market. Thanks to feminist movements of the first and second wave women gained access to education and the right to vote, there was accomplished progress in women's access to the labour market, to business and managerial positions. The data for Poland show that contemporary women are better educated than men and have qualifications adequate for managerial positions at the top executive level - become owners of company or hold positions of presidents and general directors. There are increasingly more studies proving that gender diversity is profitable for companies, as it generates higher effectiveness due to higher efficiency and greater creativity of diversified teams. Facing radical demographic changes resulting with the lower number of successive generations entering the labour market, it is essential to take advantage of the potential of increasingly higher educated women and to treat them as the labour force resource equal to men (and not subordinate). Patriarchy as a social system where women play inferior roles to men is exhausting its significance and ceases to be justified, i.e. it does not facilitate socio-economic development or welfare of societies. It is being replaced with partnership of women and men both at work and in family. Transformation of patriarchy into partnership is a longstanding process, therefore, in order to accelerate it, there are implemented solutions in a form of quotas in politics and business which are actions of interim character - implemented for a determined period in order to achieve faster the goal which is obtaining gender balance in decision-making bodies.

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How to Cite
Lisowska, E. (2012). Women on corporate boards: diversity vs. patriarchal order. Women and Business, (1-4), 12–21, 38. https://doi.org/10.33119/KiB.2012.1-4.2


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