Designed for Failure? Advocating Equality against Adversity in Hungary and Poland

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Ewa Lisowska


The article presents an analysis of women’s access to management positions in Poland and Hungary in connection with the discussion around the European Commission’s directive on quotas in business. The analysis used the literature and results of previous research. In particular, the authors answer the question of why policy in Hungary has been more stymied by the conservative backlash than in Poland. The article sheds light on the conditions under which initiatives to promote women’s progress in the corporate world are raised, highlights the limited impact of corporate-led initiatives on transforming gender relations, and shows how mere lip service to equality is likely to result in only trivial increases in women’s participation on corporate boards. 

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How to Cite
Lisowska, E. (2024). Designed for Failure? Advocating Equality against Adversity in Hungary and Poland. Women and Business, (1-4). Retrieved from


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