Sustainable Growth of Enterprises and Social and Economic Growth




sustainable growth, analysis of enterprises, Central and Eastern Europe


This paper analyses the impact of the level of social and economic growth in countries of Central and Eastern Europe on the sustainable growth of enterprises. Studies were conducted in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia between 2008 and 2017. The question of sustainable development is especially relevant in the times of changes taking place in global economies also in relation with climate change and its negative impact on societies. Opening considerations discuss fundamental issues connected with sustainable growth, further sections of the paper contain the description and results of the study. In accordance with the results, in most cases covered by the study, with the exception of Latvia, we reported high statistical dependence between the variables; moreover, in all countries sustainable growth indicator for enterprises exhibited an upward trend.


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How to Cite

Misztal, A. (2019). Sustainable Growth of Enterprises and Social and Economic Growth. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (174), 33–45.


