Motor transport as an element of the Polish energy market

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Jacek Brdulak
Piotr Pawlak


Motor transport currently plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the country. It does not change the fact that the negative external costs of motor transport should be eliminated and this branch of transport should be taken into account in all sustainable development strategies. One possibility is the wider deployment of electric cars across the entire car fleet. The infrastructure and fleet of electric vehicles may be a potential element of the Polish energy market. The article presents the current difficulties related to the dissemination of electromobility in motor transport, which affect the small number of such vehicles present on the market. The low share of electric cars, in turn, reduces the possibility of their use as an element of the Polish energy market, at least in the next several years.


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How to Cite
Brdulak, J. ., & Pawlak, P. (2021). Motor transport as an element of the Polish energy market. Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie, 58(1), 31–42.


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