Expansion of road infrastructure in relation to location and development of enterprises
The issues presented in the article are related to the occurrence of a research gap in the field of economic calculation of the effects of new road infrastructure on the enterprises operations. The presented topic was analyzed by the author because currently, companies rarely make detailed calculations of transport costs, not to mention, calculation of the reduction of costs for a given company related to the modernization or construction of a new road infrastructure. The purpose of research which is described in the article is to indicate this impact. Infrastructure investments are currently extremely important, they concern the development of various regions of the country and the enterprises operating there. In the presented article, the author focuses on enterprises located in Eastern Poland. With the current state of road infrastructure development, this region is still less developed as compared to other regions of the country in this aspect. Basic road infrastructure network should be completed as soon as possible, because connecting of the express roads and motorways in the whole road network could multiply positive effects of the economic development of regions. The first part of the article briefly presents issues related to infrastructure investments and the importance of the transport factor. The second chapter presents theoretical considerations on economic calculation methods of the effects of road investments for enterprises. The last part of the article is an empirical part in which representative examples of three enterprises are described. The conducted research shows that it is possible to determine the detailed cost reduction values that are directly related to the activities of a given enterprise and the construction or modernization of road infrastructure. Demonstrated dependence allows to create individual, practical recommendations regarding the company’s operations, its development or the location of branches in connection with the expansion or relocation of activities.
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