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Due to weak economies or ill-adapted public policies aggravated by the pandemic, official services dedicated to the unconditional reception and support of people in psychosocial distress in large urban areas are often put to the test. Here is an overview of the approach of the action research “Evolution after COVid-19 of the Invisibility of Precarities” (ECOVIP) dedicated to this phenomenon, as along with its first steps showing preliminary results concerning the precarity of unemployed pre-old people in Lyon, France.
This participative research is based on workshops that bring together professionals from both the front-line psychosocial field and other fields such as employment or work, and in which they are offered a free expression of their lived situations of reception of precarious people. The first results provided by the scientific and transparent analysis of these exchanges show both a fairly precise understanding of the institutional decision leading to increasing invisibility, and the emergence of innovative professional resources capable of curbing it. 

Słowa kluczowe

Precarity, Precariousness, invisibility, social disaffiliation, psychosocial clinic, public policies, applied psychoanalysis, gerontology precarity/precariousness invisibility unemployed health crisis social disaffiliation psychosocial clinic public policies

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Langer-Sautiere, L., Borie, N. i Rialle, V. (2024) „Evolution after the COVID of the invisibility of precarities (ECOVIP): Overview of an action research project to decipher the urban factory of invisibility”, Studia z Polityki Publicznej, 10(2(38), s. 87–104. doi: 10.33119/KSzPP/2023.2.5.



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