Sectoral Regulations and Reporting in Universal Postal Services




market regulation, regulatory accounting, regulatory reporting, universal postal service


or postal services. The author has narrowed research area to universal postal service. Universal services are services which – due to their social importance and because of market failure that may occur in the course of their delivery – should be available in a coherent, continuous and non-discriminatory manner to all social groups and their rendering is regulated by government bodies. Regulations deal, inter alia, with identification of costs of universal services and the need to keep the books in accordance with regulatory accounting principles to correctly estimate and report them.
The paper aims at assessing the impact of sectoral regulations on the value of information provided in reports submitted by the operator entrusted with the rendering of universal postal service. Assessment was made from market regulator’s viewpoint and from the point of view of the consumers of postal services. The paper provides an overview of legal regulations and explains the most specific characteristics of regulatory reporting. Conducted studies suggest that to the market regulator regulatory reporting is an important and major source of information for the evaluation of the efficiency with which universal service is delivered. On the other hand, information value for consumers of postal services seems really doubtful.


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How to Cite

Borowiec, L. (2019). Sectoral Regulations and Reporting in Universal Postal Services. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (165), 141–154.


