Organisational Culture to Support Creative Sector Companies


  • Katarzyna Szymańska Politechnika Łódzka



creative sector, organisational culture, creativity


The significance and potential of the creative sector may be considered in relations to many points of reference. Additionally, in the considerations on this issue a great significance is attached to the organizational culture, which supports and enables its operation. The development of these companies is based on the so-called cultural openness, which should be perceived as a major factor of competitive advantage. In this connection, the aim of this study is to make a point in the discussion on the organizational culture in the creative sector companies. The aim has been achieved through the description the potential and role of creative sector companies and an attempt to identify their organisational culture. On the basis of the results of secondary sources as well as the author’s own research experience it may be stated that the operation of creative sector companies remains in the integral interdependence with their organizational culture.


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How to Cite

Szymańska, K. (2019). Organisational Culture to Support Creative Sector Companies. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (162), 65–76.


