Treść głównego artykułu
The paper focuses an economic cluster, its definition and systematization. Its defines a class of economic cluster of strategic interests, considers integration of economic systems models into operational activity of a cluster, and forms an approach to cluster control on the basis of development portfolio. The structure and elements of development portfolio model are being defined and, a complex of tasks for coordinated control of development portfolio is being formalized in this paper.
Szczegóły artykułu
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2. Afonichkin A.I., Barinov Yu.I., Baklushina L.N., Model of interests’ coordination in corporative system. Tatischev readings: Actual problems of science and practice. Actual problems of socio-economic development: Territorial and Sectoral aspects, Material of International scientific conference Togliatti, Volzhsky University named after Tatischev, April 18–21, 2007.
3. Afonichkin A.I., Zhurova L.I., Yagodin N.V., Control of development of integrated economic systems on the basis of strategic zoning instruments, Publishing house of Volzhsky University, Togliatti, 2006.
4. Burkov V. N., Novikov D. A., Active system theory: status and perspectives, SINTEG, 1999.
5. Dahmen E. Entrepreneurial Activity and the Development of Swedish Industry, 1919–1939 – Stockholm, 1950.
6. Dodonova S.V., Integrated amalgamations of economic entities, “Herald of Finance Academy” 2003, No. 1(250).
7. Geraskin M.I., Coordination of economic interests in corporate structures, RAS. Anko Publishing House, 2005.
8. Karyakina L.A., To the issue about clusters, Herald of Volzhskiy University named by V.N. Tatischev Series “Economics” Nineteenth issue, 2009.
9. Marshall A., Principles of economics: In 3 volumes, M., 1993. – V.1.
10. Porter M., On Competition, Williams Publishing House, 2002.
11. Tsikhan T.V., Cluster theory of economic development, Problems of Management Theory and Practice” 2003, No. 5.
12. Soulie D., Filieres de Production et Integration Vertical, “Annales des Mines”, Janvier 1989.
13. Tolenado J., A Propos des Filieres Industrielles, “Revue d’Economie Industrielle” 1978, Vol.6, No. 4.
14. Vasiliev P.V., Afonichkina E.A., Control of the integrated economic systems development portfolio, Monograph. Publishing house Volzhsky University named after Tatischev, Togliatti, 2009.