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Contemporary organizations seek for new, innovative ways of building up competitive advantage. One of them is financing operations using new forms racing. Such a form is innovative leasing option which leaves the leaser the right to sell the leased equipment to the leasing company, which in turn is obliged to buy it. This way the risk for the company is smaller and the decisions to invest in such a way are taken more easily. The article deepens the topic showing advantages of such solutions to the companies.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
A. Ayupov, A. ., E. Medvedeva, O. . ., & Flieger , M. . (2013). Application of Innovative Financial Product for Increase of Efficient Realization of Leasing Operations. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 27(1), 39–49.


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