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The paper reflects an analysis examining the human capital transformation among female scientists in STEM and NON-STEM sectors in the era of COVID-19 and digitalisation focusing on young scientists in Ukraine. The human capital of these young female scientists is categorised into three groups within Ukrainian science: Doctor of Sciences, PhD and scientists without a scientific degree. The research methodology includes the method of analysis and synthesis for the theoretical and statistical analysis of the sociological survey for the results. The main issues regarding the realisation of the potential of young female scientists in the era of COVID-19 and digitalisation are defined. Innovativeness is proven to be the key indicator in the context of digitalisation. The main limitation of the research is the COVID-19 restrictions present at the time of conducting the sociological survey.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Shkoda, T., Gernego, I., Dyba, M., & Yemelyanenko, L. (2024). Transformation of human capital of scientists-women in the Era of COVID-19 and digitalization. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 69(3).


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