Sustainability of agriculture and rural areas (on the example of Poland and Ukraine)
agricultural sustainability, rural areas, regional development, Poland, UkraineAbstract
The aim of the article is to assess the level of agricultural sustainability in Poland and Ukraine and to conduct a comparative analysis of aggregated indicators of environmental and economic sustainability in relation to agriculture, and social sustainability of rural areas in regional terms. The study is based on a theoretical approach to the concept of sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. Two research methods were used in the study: the ranking method and the point method. As a result of the research, it was established that there is a high degree of variation in the level of sustainability in all the aspects examined, both nationally and regionally. Moreover, a comparative analysis of Poland and Ukraine proved that there is no clear ‘advantage of backwardness’, i.e. there are no benefits due to the lower advancement of economic development processes (advantages of backwardness), including the industrialization of agriculture and the evolution of urban areas towards organized urban/ large-city structures.
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