Proposal of a universal risk register and list for cultural projects


  • Alicja Krawczyńska Politechnika Wrocławska
  • Dorota Kuchta Politechnika Wrocławska
  • Agata Klaus-Rosińska



cultural projects, risk register, Scrum, cultural project management, risk management in projects


Projects conducted by public cultural institutions are mostly events whose aim is cultural education of their recipients. The characteristic features of such projects include defined date and budget, participation of artists and partners. Thus, they require adequate management methods, among others, risk management as one of the factors contributing to project success. The subject literature shows that there is little research in this area. One of the authors of this article conducted a study whose subject was the risk management method using Scrum, tailor-made to cultural projects. The original method was implemented in five cultural institutions and later applied in selected projects. While executing the projects, project team members identified risk connected with the project tasks. Analysing the study results, the latest literature on risk management as well as internal documents, the authors proposed, on the one hand, a risk register adequate to cultural institutions and based on the ATOM methodology, and on the other hand, a universal risk list for cultural projects.


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2024-08-01 — Updated on 2024-08-09

How to Cite

Krawczyńska, A., Kuchta, D., & Klaus-Rosińska, A. (2024). Proposal of a universal risk register and list for cultural projects. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (195), 87–106.


