Formal and editorial requirements
Formal requirements
An article for the Scientific Journal "Studies and Works of the College of Management and Finance of the Warsaw School of Economics" should be submitted by the editorial panel.
- additionally, attach a statement that the article has not been published in other publications (with your own signature)
Additional requirement for doctoral students: completed article recommendation by the academic supervisor or doctoral dissertation supervisor.
Editorial requirements
1.1. The text of the article printed in the Research Papers of the SGH Collegium of Management and Finance (10-25 standard typescript pages) should consist of four parts:
1.1.1. Introduction – which presents the main motivation for undertaking a given research topic, describes the research problems and presents major theses and objectives;
1.1.2. Main part – which divides the content of the article into headed sections;
1.1.3. Summary – i.e. major conclusions with possible indication of further research;
1.1.4. References.
1.2. Article abstract - shown on the official website of the SGH Collegium of Management and Finance (maximum 1,000 characters without spaces) - should include a synthetic presentation of the area of the undertaken analysis, major research problems and conclusions drawn by the author(s) of the article.
1.3. Keywords.
1.4. JEL Classification Codes
2.1. Text in the Word, in DOC format.
2.2. Standard typescript page:
2.2.1. Number of characters: 1 800 on one page, i.e. 30 lines: 60 characters with spaces each;
2.2.2. Recommended font: Times New Roman or another serif font with Polish characters, 12 p;
2.2.3. Interline spacing 1.5.
2.3. Continuous numbering in the entire work (bottom centre).
2.4. Footnotes should be made as shown in the structures below (HARVARD SYSTEM):
Applied to writings in the field of social sciences, life sciences and science the system is particularly recommended when there are in-text citations or notes (with numbered references). Source references in the main body of the text follow the format [author’s last name + year published + page number]. They are placed immediately after the citation or in another place that requires source identification. Detailed and full bibliographic reference list citations are included only at the end of the text listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.
- The author’ s last name and the year that the source was published, page number:
[Last name, year]
[Kowalski, 2017]
[Last name, year, page]
[Kowalski, 2017, p. 35]
- When a source has two authors, place both authors’ names and the year of publication.
[Last name1, last name2, date, page]
[Kowalski, Nowak, 2017, p. 35]
- When a source has 3–5 authors, give the names of all of them in the first citation and then in each subsequent one use only the first author’s name followed by et al. and the publishing year. If there are more than five authors, each time use the first author’s name only followed by et al. and the publishing year.
[Name et al., year, page]
[Kowalski et al., 2017, p. 35]
[Kowalski et al., p. 35]
- If authors’ names appear in the text just give the publishing year in square bracket.
As argued by Kowalski [2017]…
- Whenever, following the shortening, the list of authors in references to two different publications is identical, use the names of as many authors as necessary to distinguish them.
When citing works by two authors having the same last name, each time in references we need to use the initials of their first names.
[J.B. Kowalski, 2015]
- When citing several publications by the same author published in the same year, we need to add „a”, „b”, etc. after the publishing year.
[Kowalski, 2017a]
- When using exact quotations from the text, we need to provide page numbers.
- When an author’s name cannot be found, place the first word/words from the title so that the source can be identified on the reference list. The same principle applies to documents.
[Kompendium integracji]
- When references are made to national government publications, information in parentheses should use data from these publications.
[Dz.U. 2009 no. 1, item 3]
- When references are made to EU legal acts, use the name of the act and its number.
[Directive 2010/13/EU, art. 1]
[Regulation 1211/2009/EC, arts. 2–3]
[Decision 2241/2004/EC]
- When multiple references are made to the same document, legal act, etc., the author may introduce in parentheses an abbreviation that will be used further in the text.
[OJ EU C 115/13, hereinafter TEU]
- When referencing print newspaper articles, use, in parentheses, the name of the author, year published and page on which the text was published.
Websites: Website name and full date of access to the source material.
2.5. References:
References should be divided into:
- legal documents,
- compact publications,compact publications,
- press and occasional articles,
- Internet materials.Internet materials.
- References in case of compact publications and articles should be set in alphabetical order (with regard to authors’ names), and in case of legal documents with regard to the rank and date of publication (from the latest till the oldest).
2.6. Figures and tables:
- Supplementary materials (figures and tables) should be in a black and white editable version. Recommended programmes: Word and Excel.Supplementary materials (figures and tables) should be in a black and white editable version. Recommended programmes: Word and Excel.
- Figures and tables should be entitled and separately numbered.
- The source should be indicated for each of them. If the article author is at the same time the author of supplementary materials, the indicated source should be: ”Own material.” The source should be indicated for each of them. If the article author is at the same time the author of supplementary materials, the indicated source should be: ”Own material.”
- Every figure and table reference must have a superscript number in the text as on typesetting their original position may change.
Supplementary print screen materials (e.g. document copies available on www or graphic design of specialist programmes) in case of poor quality (low resolution) and no possibility of reconstruction in typesetting, may not be allowed for printing. Supplementary print screen materials (e.g. document copies available on www or graphic design of specialist programmes) in case of poor quality (low resolution) and no possibility of reconstruction in typesetting, may not be allowed for printing.