Rules and Regulations of “The Journal Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies”

Acting pursuant to § 63 para. 2 of the Statute of Warsaw School of Economics and § 1 of the resolution of the Council of the Collegium of Socio-Economics at Warsaw School of Economics No. 324/2014 of 27 March 2014, Warsaw School of Economics adopts the Rules and Regulations of “The Journal of Public Policy Studies”. On 27 September 2018, the Council of the Collegium of Socio-Economics adopted amendments to the Rules and Regulations of the journal "Studies of Public Policy" - current wording:

§​ 1

The Editorial Board of “The Journal of Public Policy Studies”, hereinafter referred to as Editorial Board, accepts papers on the topics related to public policy, social sciences, and related fields.

§​ 2

Editorial Board includes editor-in-chief, secretary of the editorial office, and members of the board.

§​ 3

Editorial Board conducts the process of preparing, i.e., collecting, evaluating, and developing, papers for publication.

§​ 4

The editor-in-chief is appointed and dismissed by the Council of the Collegium of Socio-Economics at Warsaw School of Economics, at the request of the Dean of the Collegium. The secretary of the editorial office and members of the Editorial Board are appointed and dismissed by the editor-in-chief.

§​ 5

Alongside Editorial Board, there exists the Scientific Programme Committee, which supervises the scientific programme of the Journal and co-operates with the Editorial Board.

§​ 6

The chairman and members of the Scientific Programme Committee are appointed and dismissed by the editor-in-chief.

§​ 7

The Scientific Programme Committee is responsible for supervising the content of the published works; preparing reviews, which are included in the publishing plan; shaping the content and development of the Journal; presenting proposals for financing the Journal and presenting, at the request of the chairman of the Scientific Programme Committee, opinions on other issues related to the Journal.

§​ 8

Submitted papers should be original, i.e., not published in any other periodical or scientific publication. In addition, they may not have been or currently be submitted to the editors of other scientific journals. The author of the work is obliged to sign an appropriate statement about the originality of the work.

§​ 9

The paper is published under the condition that the Collegium of Socio-Economics at Warsaw School of Economics and SGH Publishing House are granted the right to use the submitted paper in “The Journal of Public Policy Studies” and to disseminate it for scientific purposes and to the Collegium of Socio-Economics at Warsaw School of Economics for the purpose of publishing the submitted work in whole or in part in an electronic form on the website of “The Journal of Public Policy Studies”. The author of the paper is obliged to sign an appropriate agreement on the transfer of copyrights.

§​ 10

The paper should be submitted in an electronic form in DOC format, by e-mail at the address of the secretary of the editorial office or on an electronic medium (a CD or pendrive), at the following address:

Studia z Polityki Publicznej (The Journal of Public Policy Studies)
Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społeczne (the Collegium of Socio-Economics)
Szkoła Główna Handlowa (Warsaw School of Economics)
Wiśniowa 41
02-520 Warsaw, Poland

§​ 11

The method of editing the submitted paper should correspond to the standards specified by SGH Publishing House, made public on its website in the section - For authors.

§​ 12

Papers which do not meet the publication guidelines set out in the Rules and Regulations will not be submitted for review or printing. Editorial Board reserves the right to: edit the submitted paper, apply abbreviations, amend or reject it. Every paper published in “The Journal of Public Policy Studies” is reviewed.

§​ 13

The Rules and Regulations of “The Journal of Public Policy Studies” enter into force on the day of its adoption​ by the Council of the Collegium of Socio-Economics at Warsaw School of Economics.