CALL FOR PAPERS: Policy Responses to Migration Challenges (closed)
Opublikowany 2020-04-12
The “Journal of Public Policy Studies” published by the Warsaw School of Economics, Poland, is proud to announce the Call for Papers to a forthcoming Special Issue entitled:
“Policy Responses to Migration Challenges” (
The abstract submission deadline is May 31, 2020.
The manuscript submission deadline is July 31, 2020.
The scope of this Call for Papers:
“Policy Responses to Migration Challenges” aims to cover the issues of international migration, asylum and integration as well as related public policies particularly in Europe (including but not limited to the European Union and its Member States), the United States, and comparatively Asia. In recent years, the interest in migration trends, patterns, multidimensional causes and consequences has been on the rise, especially in connection with the migration and refugee crisis in the Mediterranean region and with more restrictive migration policy in the United States during the Donald Trump administration. Both the causes and the consequences of the current migration situation are multidimensional: social, economic, political, cultural and institutional; and so are the policy responses to the real and perceived challenges. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage research and informed debate on migration and related public policies.
The Journal invites papers by both members of academia and experts on:
- - Challenges and risks in public policy regarding migration.
- - The analysis of public actions and interventions (e.g., reforms) in migration-related policies.
- - Theories, models, and cycles in public policies regarding migration and related issues (from diagnosis of problems to evaluations of solutions).
- - Stakeholders of migration-related policies, their mutual interactions, values, and motives for actions.
- - Methods of evaluation of migration policies outcomes and impact.
- - Sources that influence the shaping of migration-related policies (e.g., intellectual, sociocultural, and historical factors).
- - Policy knowledge and brokers of knowledge (expert networks).
- - Decision-making processes and policy styles in migration-related policies.
- - Institutional factors that influence migration-related public policies (e.g., party systems, parliamentary systems, or public administration).
Submission Procedure:
The authors should submit paper abstracts to the editors of this issue (Jan Misiuna at and Marta Pachocka at by May 31, 2020. If an abstract is approved, the full papers should be submitted to the editors by July 31, 2020, in Word format (.docx) and consist of up to 10 000 words. Prior publication all papers undergo double-blind peer-review. The papers are published in Open Access under CC BY 4.0 licenses (authors retain the copyright).
Processing and publication in “Public Policy Studies” are free of charge. Fees are not requested from the authors at any point of the peer review and publication.
Manuscripts should include the following elements:
- - Author(s) contact details (name and surname, institutional affiliation, city, country, e-mail address, and ORCID identifier).
- - Title of the paper.
- - Abstract: 200-250 words.
- - 5-7 keywords.
- - JEL Classification Codes: 3-5 codes; codes are available here.
- - Main text and subtitles.
- - Endnotes and references in the Harvard style.
More guidelines for authors are available here: