Information Impact of Financial Result Deviation from the Market Consensus


  • Bartłomiej Lisicki Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach



informational efficiency, capital markets, net financial result, market capitalization


This paper belongs to the body of capital market research in accounting. The author is trying to esti- mate the impact of deviation from the market consensus reflected in corporate periodic reports of net result on market capitalization of companies. Expected net result was estimated based on forecasts of experts interviewed by the Polish Press Agency [Polska Agencja Prasowa]. To validate the hypothesis about the relevance of reported net result we used the event study methodology, which measures the strength of reaction to different events (information). The methodology was supposed to assess the occurrence of events when higher than expected rates of return were reported in periods directly preceding and following the date of submission of corporate interim reports. Based on the researched sample of 22 quarterly reports filed over the period 2013-2018 by each company included in the WIG20 index the author observed statistically significant excess rates of return on days t-4 and t+2 for all the sample. When the sample is divided into two sets comprising higher positive or negative (above 10%) deviations the significance of obtained results is even greater, especially for net financial result lower than the one expected by the market


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How to Cite

Lisicki, B. . (2020). Information Impact of Financial Result Deviation from the Market Consensus. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (176), 137–153.


