Conditions for the implementation of business process management projects


  • Agnieszka Bitkowska Politechnika Warszawska Wydział Zarządzania



project, business process management, business process management implementation


The implementation of business process management projects in organizations is popular with many enterprises, regardless of their size or the sector in which they operate. Efficient implementation, a holistic approach in this concept focuses on the efficient functioning of processes in the context of the goals and strategic assumptions of the organization. Despite the use of many solutions and methodologies, projects are not always successful, and during their implementation there are many difficulties and limitations. Therefore, a research problem arises: What conditions of business process management projects in contemporary organizations influence their success, and what factors cause their failure? The considerations and the results of research work show the undertaken design solutions at the strategic and operational level. The key success factors are the linking of the strategic and operational levels, the involvement of human capital at all levels of the organization, and the involvement of employees as well as building an organizational culture open to changes with the support of IT tools.


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How to Cite

Bitkowska, A. . (2023). Conditions for the implementation of business process management projects. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (186), 31–43.


