Intellectual capital and the ownership concentration ratio as a determinant of the valuation of manufacturing enterprises quoted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange


  • Arkadiusz Zalewski Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie



ESG, intellectual capital, manufacturing companies, non-financial reporting, ownership structure, ownership concentration ratio, market valuation


The article presents an analysis of the relationship between the value of intellectual capital, the ownership concentration ratio, and the stock valuation of manufacturing companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The results of the analysis showed a positive correlation between the value of intellectual capital and the stock valuation of companies. Increasing the potential of intellectual capital has a positive impact on stock valuation, while the presence of a significant shareholder in the ownership structure may have a negative impact on this valuation. The analysis also revealed that the ownership concentration ratio, depending on its type, can have a positive or negative impact on the value of intellectual capital. The conclusions drawn from the analysis indicate that the value of intellectual capital significantly affects the stock valuation of manufacturing companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. At the same time, ownership concentration is an important determinant of valuation. The analysis suggests that manufacturing companies should invest in the development of their intellectual capital to increase their value in the stock market. They should also pay attention to the ownership structure to avoid negative effects of ownership concentration. Moreover, the analysis seeks to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the independent variable – the type of shareholder, and the dependent variable – the value of the intellectual capital of manufacturing companies. A key aspect of the analysis is determining the co-occurrence of increases or decreases in stock valuation with the concentration ratio of a particular type of shareholder. Understanding these relationships and disclosing them by financial supervisory bodies can contribute to promoting financial education and economic rationality within the new ESG reporting paradigm. The construction of a verifying report assessing the investment in intellectual capital by a leading type of shareholder can enhance the prediction of a manufacturing company’s future valuation and contribute to the development of a mechanism for detecting and preventing financial misconduct and protecting investors. Thus, I make the following recommendations:
• create the BPKI30 (Barometer of Intellectual Capital Potential) index of 30 manufacturing companies with the highest intellectual capital potential, correlated with the ownership concentration index, consisting of a representative number of companies from the WIG20, WIG40 and WIG80;
• develop and periodically disclose within the framework of a quarterly report the correlation between the potential of intellectual capital – its key components and the ownership concentration index – and the type of shareholder and market valuation of a given manufacturing company;
• creation and dissemination of rational investment behaviour on the basis of the knowledge made available in the report, allowing for the estimation of the return on investment in a given interval of time, with a real valuation of risk, on the basis of disclosed KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) of intellectual capital;
• construction of a model of causal relationships between intellectual capital variables, ownership concentration index and market valuation, and identification of determinants of stakeholder investment behaviour with publication of benchmarking of manufacturing companies effectively managing intellectual capital in a given industry.


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How to Cite

Zalewski, A. . (2023). Intellectual capital and the ownership concentration ratio as a determinant of the valuation of manufacturing enterprises quoted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (192), 109–127.


