Practical implications of interpreting the nature of uncertainty


  • Agnieszka Dziubińska Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach



uncertainty, strategy as practice, complexity


The modern environment imposes complex pressure on organizations, referred to as polycrisis. The high levels of uncertainty accompanying these phenomena are perceived in the practical dimension as threatening the continuity of the organization, but in the theoretical sphere they encourage critical reflection on the current strategic management paradigm. The importance of the problem became an inspiration to undertake own research, the aim of which was to identify the basis for the effective operation of the organization facing uncertainty. The nature of the research problem undertaken prompted an interdisciplinary approach based on the study of literature relating to the interpretation of the phenomenon of uncertainty. In particular, the considerations use a typology taking into account processual, behavioural, and structural approaches to the category of uncertainty. Uncertainty is identified with indeterminacy regarding the future. The inability to determine the probable results of actions taken requires the search for alternative bases in decision-making processes. This perspective is opened by the proposal of systemic intervention. The elements of intervention undertaken in a dynamic environment – boundary critique, theoretical and methodological pluralism, and action for improvement – are supported by the literature relating to the various theoretical types of uncertainty mentioned above. The overlapping of the results of literature studies and guidelines in practical action allows for indicating the complementary nature of research on the nature of uncertainty in various scientific disciplines. The most important advantage of the obtained research results in the sphere of theory is the inclusion of the results formulated at various levels of generality in a coherent conceptual framework of research, addressing issues related to the operation of organizations in conditions of uncertainty. The use of conceptual frameworks close to the practical domain of action also seems to indicate an effective way to reduce the gap between the world of academic research and decision-makers operating in economic markets. Keywords: uncertainty, strategy as practice, c


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2024-04-24 — Updated on 2024-07-02

How to Cite

Dziubińska, A. (2024). Practical implications of interpreting the nature of uncertainty. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (194).


