Quality and safety management in the nanotechnology industry in line with sustainable development goals


  • Agnieszka Piekara Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu


quality management, nanotechnology, sustainable development


Raising safety standards in the nanotechnology industry is the path towards Quality 5.0. In the case of the production of nanomaterials, attention is drawn to the need to follow safety rules to avoid contamination or release of nanomaterials into the work environment or water. The work aims to indicate the use of glove boxes in the quality and safety management system in the nanotechnology industry. The basis for the case study was the internal materials of one of the glove box manufacturers. An indepth interview with purposeful selection (producer and device users) was also applied to analyze the studied phenomenon extensively and understand the ongoing processes better. The operator protection glove box line guarantees safety when working with harmful materials. The key features of the system that protect the user are a high tightness class, an active working pressure control system and an effective HEPA filtration system. In conclusion, stakeholders of the nanotechnology industry recognize the need to strive to achieve sustainable development goals. One of its key directions is the production of nanomaterials in line with customer expectations while maintaining employee safety standards and environmental protection against the emission and undesirable migration of nanomaterials and agents used in their synthesis.


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How to Cite

Piekara, A. (2024). Quality and safety management in the nanotechnology industry in line with sustainable development goals. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (197). Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/SiP/article/view/4494


