Virtual teams in the context of generational differences: a systematic literature review


  • Beata Koszyk Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie



generation, remote work, systematic literature review, virtual team


The article synthesizes the outcomes of a systematic literature review on the influence of generations on work in virtual teams and differences between generations in the context of virtual teams. The article consists of four parts. The first one contains a review of the literature. The second part presents the research procedure (purpose, method, and scope of the study), while in the third part the results of the research are discussed. The analysis involved 33 Polish and English-language articles published in 2013–2023 and selected from the Scopus, Ebsco, and Web of Science databases. The analyzed papers were divided into 6 areas based on content analysis: (1) challenges, (2) experiences, perspectives, and preferences, (3) knowledge sharing, (4) work-life balance, and (5) motivation and leadership. The article ends with the conclusions and limitations, including implications for future research.


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2024-08-01 — Updated on 2024-08-09

How to Cite

Koszyk, B. (2024). Virtual teams in the context of generational differences: a systematic literature review. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (195), 31–52.


