Sustainable project management based on the PRiSM method


  • Michał Karlikowski International Project Management Institute Polska



project management, sustainable project management, project management methods


The sustainable approach to project management is a necessity in today’s world. Climate crisis, demographic and economic changes press organizations to implement sustainable development goals in their activities. The project management area cannot be isolated from these changes, therefore, adaptations of sustainable development goals must be developed in project management practice as well. The aim of this article is to identify the adaptations of sustainable development goals in the main methods of project management, including the Projects integrating Sustainable Methods (PRiSM). The article seeks to answer the questions in what aspect the PRiSM method differs from the approaches used so far and whether the elements of sustainable development can be found in global standards of project management. The primary research method in this study is the analysis of scientific publications (monographs, studies, and scholarly articles, a literature review and a critical analysis of this literature) dedicated to the examined issue, including both national and international as well as global methodological guidelines in the area of project management.


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2024-09-06 — Updated on 2024-09-11

How to Cite

Karlikowski, M. (2024). Sustainable project management based on the PRiSM method. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (198), 81–95.


