Diversification as a Growth Strategy for the Polish Enterprises on the Machinery Market for Agriculture and Forestry





growth strategy, diversification, machinery market for agriculture and forestry


The aim of the study is to present growth opportunities from diversification strategy and to present examples of enterprises using this development path. In the article, in basis of the management literature: diversification was first defined and then a review of the most important research on the diversification strategy was presented. Next, the market of producers of agricultural and forestry machinery in Poland was characterized. The results of our own research (case study) carried out in three Polish companies located in the Podlasie voivodship are presented in detail. The surveyed enterprises are: Pronar
(Narew), METAL-FACH (Sokolka), and SaMASZ (Bialystok-Zabludow). The research results confirm that companies are interested in implementing the diversification strategy. In the growth strategy enterprise they use various types of diversification. However, the most visible is product diversification which leads to the expansion of the range and expansion of the distribution network.


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Źródła internetowe
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How to Cite

Janiuk, I. (2019). Diversification as a Growth Strategy for the Polish Enterprises on the Machinery Market for Agriculture and Forestry. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (168), 161–177. https://doi.org/10.33119/SIP.2018.168.10


